How do I replace a sensor battery?

Use this process to replace your sensor battery:

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  1. Grip the sensor by the black plastic top and turn it upside down. Locate and unscrew the battery compartment door. The battery compartment door is marked with a battery symbol. DO NOT unscrew the sensor's silver metal plate or squeeze the silver metal base.
  2. To remove the old battery, use a small screwdriver to pry out the old battery, and then unplug the red and black connector wire (circled in picture 3). You will be disposing of the battery so don't worry about being too gentle. 
  3. To plug in the new battery, align the plastic battery connector with the white connector slot and plug in the new battery, taking care not to bend the brass connector pins. There is a grove that allows the battery to slide into the connector slot so if the battery isn't plugging in, try turning the plastic battery connector around. Tuck the battery wires into the wire holder. 
  4. The red LED light will flash once to confirm the battery is connected. Screw the battery compartment door back on securely. Dispose of the old lithium battery at a recycling plant, which can be found by entering your zip code here.