BrewMenu™ Getting Started Guide

Let's Build Your First Menu!


Your account has the flexibility to create multiple menus and displays to better fit your business's offerings. In this guide, you will learn how to set up your menus and displays—for digital, print, and web. As you read through this guide, we encourage you to tailor each menu to its specific display location for relevance and effectiveness.

Create Your Menu

  1. After logging in, the lefthand side of the screen should show a list of all the BrewLogix platforms: Performance Platform, MarketMyBrewery, and BrewMenu. Select "BrewMenu" from this navigation panel or by clicking the 4-dots in the top left corner of your window.
  2. Next, select "New Menu" in the middle of the navigation window.
  3. Now, you will add a name to your Menu. Keep in mind that you will be able to create separate digital, website, and print Menus if you want to customize each intended method.


After creating a blank Menu, we recommend adding Sections.  From there, you can assign each of your products to their appropriate Sections. For this example, we will create 3 Sections:

  1. Draft Non-Alcoholic
  2. Draft Beer
  3. Draft Cocktails

Start by editing the default "Section 1" on the top of your menu product list. To edit a Section name, click the pencil icon on the right side of the "Section" bar. You can also click on the Section's current title to edit its title text.

To add a new Section, click the "Add Section" Button to the right of the product search bar. A pop-up will appear where you can write the name of the new Section; then, click "Save."

Adding Products 

After naming your Menu and its Section(s), it's time to add Products. There are a few ways you can achieve this—both with and without other BrewLogix Applications. We've created a walkthrough for each possible setup.

For Users of BrewMenu who also have the PerformancePlatform:

1. If you want to add all of you current Products on Tap, select "Add All Taps." You can also manually add taps one-by-one by clicking on the product you want to add to the top section.

2. Be sure to assign each Product to the appropriate Section as you add them.

For Users of BrewMenu and MarketMyBrewery:

1. Find your Products by selecting "My Products" in the dropdown list.
2. Select from your brand's Products in this list and add them to the appropriate Section. 

For Users of BrewMenu Only

1. Select "All Products (BreweryDB)" on the drop down left of the search bar.  This will search the entire BreweryDB product catalog.  

2. Search for the Product you want to add.

3. If you don't find a specific Product in the search, you will want to use "Add Custom Item."

Add Custom Item

This function lets you add new Products to your Menu, including multiple types of beverage options, merchandise, food, and so on.  

1. Select your Product Type first, then proceed to fill in the custom fields. 

Add Pricing

On the row of each Product. you have the ability to Add Pricing. To do this, click the button on the row you want to edit. 

Note: If you are a Performance Platform customer, your serving sizes will automatically populate, you will need to either input the price per serving size and add the container's name or select the pricing preset for that product in the drop down.

1. For each product, fill in information for Serving Size, Container, and Price. Make sure to click "Display" for that price to display on the menu. (Limited to 3 display prices per product)

Edit Pricing: To edit pricing on a Product, click the "$" on the right side of that Product's row. 

Create Pricing Preset

Pricing presets are designed to speed up the pricing assignment process.  You are able to create multiple pricing presets and for this example we are going to create a "Draft Cocktails Pricing Preset". 

1. Input required fields Serving Size, Container, & Price. 

2. Select Save As New Pricing Preset

3. Give the Pricing Preset a name, for this example we put "Draft Cocktails"

4. Click Save. 

Edit Pricing Presets

To access all your pricing presets your will want to be on the BrewMenu Dashboard where you can select "Pricing" on the left side navigation.

1. To Edit a pricing preset click the three dots on the right side of a pricing preset box.  A dropdown box with "Edit" or "Delete" options will appear.  

2. Once you click "Edit" you will be able to edit Display, Serving Size, Container, Price, Preset Name, or Add/Delete a Pricing option.

Publish Your Menu 

Once you have finalized your Menu, simply click "Publish Menu" to make your menu go live!

Build Your Display

Overview: After creating a Menu, you will want to create a Display (or multiple Displays) for how your Menu will be shown. Click the "+New Display" button to get started.

Create a Display

  1. Give your Display a name. 
  2. Assign the Menu you created earlier to this Display, and then click "Save."
  3. Select the type of Display you want to create. You have three options: TV, Website, or Print.

Create TV Display

You have multiple ways to customize your TV display:

  • Show On Deck: PerformancePlatform users only, and will display your products that are assigned to OnDeck spots. 
  • Menu Items Per Page: Select how many items per page you would like to display
  • Rotation Interval: Determines how long the slides stay displayed before rotating through.
  • Layout: You can select from a 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-column design
  • Options: Select what you want to show or hide on your Menu by using these toggles.
  • Media Type: PerformancePlatform users only - you can choose between keg levels or product logos to appear on the menu
  • Appearance - Customize the look of your digital menu.
    • Background Color: Select your desired back ground color
    • Primary Font Color: This will control the color of your Product names.
    • Show Section: Toggle the Sections Titles on or off.
    • If Sections are on:
      • Section Font Color: Alters the font color of your Section title.
      • Section Background Color: Alters the background color of your Sections.

Click "Cast Display" to preview your Display. When you are satisfied, click "Done" to save and create the Display.

When you are satisfied, click the "Cast Display" button once more to finish the process.

Once the Display is finished, you will get a unique URL that you can now input on a TV, streaming device, or cast directly from an internet-enabled device.

TIP:  You can take the provided BrewMenu URL and use sites like to shorten the legnth of the url and speed up the input process if manually entering them on devices.  

NOTE: Please refer to your specific device web browser for casting your Display through a streaming device like a Firestick or Chromecast.  

Create a Website Display

Customize your website Display via the following features:

  • Custom Header: Change the header that is displayed on your Menu.
  • Custom URL: Customize the ending URL slug for this Display, for ease of navigation.
  • Assigned Menu: Choose which Menu to display
  • Show On Deck Products: PerformancePlatform users only can choose to display the Products are coming up next in their inventory plan.
  • Options: You can select what to show (or hide) on your Menu by using these toggles.
  • Logo: Upload your brand's logo to appear on the Display.
  • Theme: Choose Dark or Light Theme
  • Primary Font Color: This controls the color of your product names.
  • Show Section: Toggle Sections on or off in the Display.
    • If Sections are on:
      • Section Font Color: Alters font color of the Section title.
      • Section Background Color: Alters the background color of your Sections.

Click "Share Your Website" to bring up the sharing options:

Click "Done" to save all changes and return back to your Displays page.

Create Print Menu

Use the below options to customize your Print Menu:

  • Custom Menu Header: Customize the header displayed on your Menu.
  • Assigned Menu: Choose which menu to display
  • Options: You can select what to show (or hide) on your Menu by using these toggles.
  • Layout: Choose from a 1- or 2-column layout here.
  • Logo: Upload your brand's logo to appear on the Display.
  • Show Logo on all pages: Choose if you want your logo on every page or just page-1 for print 
  • Theme: Select Light or Dark for the background color theme of your Menu.
  • Primary Font Color: This will control the color of your Product names.

Click "Download PDF" to save a printer-ready PDF copy of the Menu.

Click "Done" to save all changes and return to your Displays page.


You now have a Menu and 3 different Displays for your BrewMenu. We encourage you to tailor each menu to suit its specific display location—which helps effectively communicate your offerings. Have fun setting up your menus and showcasing your great products!