How to build an On Deck Plan:

The On Deck Plan is where you will tell your software which kegs are on tap and which kegs are on deck. A completed On Deck Plan will give your business operational foresight and is the key to unlocking all the benefit of the Performance Platform™

How to Navigate to your On Deck Plan: 

The On Deck Plan is located in BrewOnDeck. Click the On Deck button to access BrewOnDeck. For a refresher on the features of the BrewOnDeck page, click here.

Creating an On Deck Plan:

Your sensors are able to gather a large amount of data from your kegs, but they are not able to identify the product that is on top of them without some information added by the user. To completely utilize your Performance Platform™ software, you will need to identify the kegs that are, or will be, on your sensors. This identification is done by creating your On Deck Plan. Below are the two simple steps you will take to create an On Deck Plan. You will see that once you create an On Deck Plan the Performance Platform™ software is mostly automated, and you can focus on running your business!

WARNING: A completed On Deck Plan is CRUCIAL to your software's success. If you do not keep your On Deck Plan updated, you will not get the full value from the Performance Platform™.     

Step 1: Ensure that all kegs in your inventory are entered into BrewInventory.

Make sure that your product inventory has been entered into the Performance Platform™ software (to learn how to add kegs to your software using BrewInventory, click here). 

TIP: The Kegs On Hand section of BrewOnDeck should show all the kegs that are in your inventory and not already added to your On Deck Plan. If you are not seeing a keg in this section, it likely hasn't been added to BrewInventory.   

Step 2: Drag kegs from the Kegs On Hand section of BrewOnDeck to the appropriate tap in the On Deck Plan.

Next, using your mouse (or touch screen, if applicable), drag products from Kegs on Hand to the tap that the product is planned to go on. Dragging a product to a tap identifies to that tap's sensor what keg will be on top of it! 

NOTE: When a product is placed in the On Deck Plan it is now deemed "assigned". A product is "unassigned" if it has been entered into BrewInventory but has not yet been placed in the On Deck Plan. Best practice is to coordinate a tap for each keg to ensure your draft program is set up for future (as well as current) success.  Don't worry! We understand that things change, so a keg can be reassigned after selecting a tap.

  • For each tap, you will see two gray boxes marked "+ Drop Keg".  The top box is where the first on deck product for a tap will be placed, and the lower box is where the second on deck product for a tap will be placed.   
  • If both boxes are unassigned, you have planned zero kegs deep; if the first on deck box is assigned, you have planned 1 deep; and if the second on deck box is assigned, you have planned 2 deep. Currently, 2 deep is the max that you are able to plan. 



Press play on the video below to see an example of an On Deck Plan being created:

As shown above, you can remove products from the On Deck Plan by dragging kegs from the On Deck Plan to the Kegs on Hand section, and you can rearrange products that have already been assigned to a tap by dragging a product from the 2nd on deck slot to the 1st on deck slot.

NOTE: If you have assigned a product to a tap already and you want to assign it to a different tap, you need to first drag the product back to Kegs On Hand section before you can reassign it. 

Automation with your On Deck Plan:

The Performance Platformuses automation to mitigate manual intervention enabling you to focus on what's really important! Here's a quick rundown of how the automation works and ultimately what makes it so effective for you.

The Performance Platformcan detect when there has been a keg change. By assigning a keg to an On Deck spot, the sensor will be able to infer which keg is on it once the change occurs and automatically transition to the appropriate keg.