How to receive a keg into your software

Whenever you get a keg, it needs to be received into the Performance Platform™ software. You can do this in the "Receive Keg" page, explained here.

What is the "Receive Keg" page?

The Receive Keg page is how you will input kegs into the Performance Platform™. All kegs in your physical inventory need a digital match in the Performance Platform™ and  the Receive Keg page is how you do this. Once a keg is received into the Performance Platform™, you can analyze and interact with its specific keg data.

Using the Receive Keg page is like filling your gas tank. If you routinely receive kegs, the Performance Platform™ will run smoothly, but if you don't, the Performance Platform™ will stall out. Luckily, as you will see in the walkthrough below, receiving kegs is a simple process and only gets easier the more you do it!

Using the Receive Keg page:

First, navigate to the "Receive Keg" page:

You can get to the Receive Keg page in two ways:

  1. the Receive Keg quick action button on the Dashboard, or

  2. the Receive Keg button located in the top right corner of the Inventory page.   

Input "Product Details":

At the top of the Receive Keg page you will see Product Details. 

TIP: The only Product Details that you must add to receive a keg are product name, keg size, and keg cost (these areas are marked with a red asterisk*).  Everything else is optional, but the more you add, the more the Performance Platform will be able to help you!

The Product Details are described below: 

A. Search and Identify Keg

Under Product Details, click "Search Products" and begin typing the name of the keg you are entering.

When searching a keg, Priority Brands is selected by default. Priority Brands are essentially brands that you have favorited, so searching in Priority Brands will only search within these brands. To learn how to create Priority Brands, click here.  

TIP: Priority Brands help you save time! Instead of searching through a large amount of products to find the same keg as always, save that brand in priority brands! 

If you want to deselect priority brands so that you search all products and not just priority brands, click on the arrow shown below and click "All Brands". In this same dropdown, you can also select specific Priority Brands to narrow your search further.

TIP: The best way to search for a product is to search just the product name. If this doesn't work, search the brand name in the search box and then scroll until you find the product. For example, for Sun King's Wee Mac, you would first search "Wee Mac" then if this didn't work, you would search "Sun King" and then scroll through the results until you find Wee Mac.   

B. Quantity

Immediately underneath the search bar you will see "Quantity" and the "Are these Products Identical?" toggle

If you click the "Are these Products are Identical?" toggle (switching it to green), and then select the appropriate quantity (you can not receive more than 9 kegs at a time) you will be able to save time and add multiple copies of the same keg at once.

NOTE: For example, if the truck drops off four identical kegs of Wee Mac, you can enter all of these at once by selecting the "Are these Products Identical?" toggle and then selecting four in the quantity. Then when you are finished entering keg details, four kegs of Wee Mac will be entered into inventory at once instead of having to add each one individually! 

If you are adding multiple kegs of the same product but with slightly different keg details (like the keg sizes being different) do not mark the kegs as identical and instead just enter quantity. This will add the quantity of kegs entered to the bottom of keg details. Clicking on the arrow next to the respective keg number at the bottom of the Receive Keg page, shown below, will let you enter the keg details for that keg without having to search the product again.

 Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 4.45.05 PM

Next, input "Keg Details"

Under "Product Details" is the "Keg Details" section. Below is a sample "Keg Details" section with the different subsections annotated with a red letter and explained in its corresponding lettered subsection below. 

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 1.14.11 PM

A. Keg Size

This is where you will select the size of the keg received. Click the arrow to see all the options in the dropdown. 

B. Coupler Type

Here you will choose the coupler type for the keg(s) being entered. In the "Coupler Type" dropdown menu, you will only be able to choose from the couplers that you have selected for your Draft Program settings.

NOTE: If you are entering a keg into "Receive Keg" and its coupler is not listed in the "Coupler Type" dropdown, you will need to update your Draft Program in Settings to include the coupler. To see how to update your draft program to include a new coupler, click here.  

 Below is a brief description of the different type of couplers: 

Type  Description  Picture
D - American Sankey  This is the most common coupler used for North American kegs. Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 2-58-22 PM-png


S - European Sankey This coupler is mostly used for European kegs. Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3-13-12 PM-png


G - Grundy-type This coupler is used for British, Dutch, and a small amount of North American kegs.  Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3-00-55 PM-png


M - German Slider This coupler is used for a few German kegs.

Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3-16-43 PM-png

A - German Slider This is the most common coupler used for German kegs.  Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 2-59-50 PM-png


U - System This coupler is mostly used for Irish kegs. Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3-17-39 PM-png


C. Cooler Assignment

This is where you will choose which cooler your received keg will go in. The only cooler options that you will be able to choose from in the "Cooler Assignment" dropdown menu are the ones that you have entered into your Draft Program in Settings. 

NOTE: If you are entering a keg into "Receive Keg" and the cooler you are adding the keg to is not listed in the "Cooler Assignment" dropdown, you will need to update your Draft Program to include the cooler. To see how to update your Draft Program to include a new cooler, click here.  

D. Keg Cost

Enter the cost of the keg here. If you do not know the actual cost, toggle the "Estimated Cost" button (green means it is toggled on) and enter an estimate in the keg cost box. You can change this information later. 

NOTE: If you are entering multiple kegs, only enter the cost of each keg. Do not list the total cost of all the kegs received. For example, if you are receiving two identical kegs of Wee Mac and both kegs combined cost $200 total, enter the keg cost as $100. 

E. Date Received and Expiration Date

This is where you will enter the key dates pertaining to your keg, including Date Received and Expiration Date. Date Received is used to track the life history of a product. Expiration Date helps you track the freshness of a product.

NOTE: The Date Received should be the day the keg is obtained into your physical inventory- not the day you enter it into the Performance Platform™.

F. Serving Details

Specify the serving sizes that the keg will be distributed in. All the pour sizes that you have added in your Draft Program will be displayed. Select the serving sizes you plan to use by clicking on its respective toggle.

You are also able to select default serving size that your pours will be measured in and the Performance Platform™ will use this default size in it calculations.

NOTE: If you are entering a keg into "Receive a Keg" and a serving size option you want to measure in is not listed in the "Serving Sizes" subsection, you will need to update your Draft Program to include the serving size. To see how to update your draft program to include a new serving size, click here.  

TIP: By adding the appropriate serving sizes for your product via Receive Keg, the OnTap page will tell you how many pours you have left in a keg. On the same page, you are also able to select the pour size that your keg's pours are measured in (see below). 


In Serving Details, you can also set the price of your pours as well as the option to set a unique price to different pour sizes. Clicking "DEFAULT" next to a pour and price- will make that choice the default in the OnTap screen.  

Receive the Keg 

When you are all done, click "Save Keg". You also have the option of choosing "Save & Receive Another Keg" to start with a blank receive keg screen.