How to create "priority brands":

The priority brands feature allows you to choose what brands you use the most and then have those brands prioritized when you receive kegs. You can set priority brands on the priority brands page.

How to Navigate to the Priority Brands Page: 

You can find the priority brands page under System Properties. To get there, click the System Properties icon (the cog) at the top of the Performance Platform™.

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Once you are on the System Properties page, you will see Priority Brands in a menu on the left of the page. Click on Priority Brands.

Understanding the Priority Brands Page: 

Priority brands is a feature designed to speed up the "receive a keg" process. For a refresher on how to receive a keg, click here.

To begin identifying priority brands, click edit, circled in the image to the right. Then search for the brand that you want to add as a priority brand in the search bar, shown by the arrow to the right. Once you click on the brand from the search bar drop down menu, it is added as a a priority brand. To save your selection click save, and to terminate your selection, click cancel. 

TIP: It is helpful to create priority brands to save yourself time during the receive a keg process. Priority brands effectively act as a "favorite" for brands that you often order from. Instead of searching through an infinite amount of brands when you are receiving a keg, with priority brands, you will only search through the brands you have chosen!

Once you have added one brand, or more, the brand will appear in priority brands under the search bar. To delete a brand you have added to priority brands, click on the trash can icon next to the brand you want to delete, shown below.

If you add multiple brands to priority brands, the brands will be stacked based on priority. What this means is that when searching for a keg in receive a keg, the Performance Platform™ software will first search the brand at the top of this list and continually move down your priority brands until the product is found. 

TIP: To save even more time, make sure you order your brands on the priority brands page by most used (at the top) to least used (at the bottom).

To move brands up and down your list of priority brands, click and hold the 6 dots shown circled in the image below and drag the brand where you want it. 

When you have finished editing your priority brands, make sure you click save.