How do I un-pair/deep sleep a sensor and re-pair a sensor?

Use this process to do a hard reset & recalibration of your smart sensor.

Note: This process will create an Unmatched Tag in the app.

Grip the Smart Sensor by the plastic top. Do NOT squeeze the metal base.

  1. Initiate a “reset” by pressing the red RFID button until the red LED light appears.
  2. Now, while the light is still red, reset the Smart Sensor by inserting the corresponding Deep Sleep/Unpair tag into the RFID reader on the bottom of the Smart Sensor.
  3. The red LED light will flash three times to confirm the Smart Sensor is reset/put in deep sleep mode. If it doesn’t flash three times, repeat steps 1-3 above. If pressing the red light does not result in the light coming on, replace the smart scale battery. 
  4. After the Sensor has been put into Deep Sleep mode, wait 60 seconds, hit the red button again, and while it is lit up, slide the corresponding line/sensor tag in the RFID slot.
  5. The red LED light will flash three times to confirm the Smart Sensor has been re-paired to the correct line tag.