Chromecast Streaming Your BrewMenu

This article would go thru the basic steps of getting your BrewMenu displayed thru a Chromecast Device.

Requirements Before You Go Any Farther:

Install your Chromecast device as directed in the manufactures instructions.  Once you have installed and created an account please follow the below directions to display your BrewMenu thru a Chromecast Device. 


Step 1: Download "BrowseHere" TV Web Browser

 This browser will allow you to access your designated URL to your BrewMenu.


Step 2: Open BrowseHere and Enter Your BrewMenu Web URL

TIP: To shorten the amount of characters your need to input, you can go to to create a shorter URL.

Locate the URL Bar at the top left of the screen on your TV.  

Once you have clicked into the URL Bar and you will see the blinking cursor ready for you to enter your the BrewMenu URL.

The BrewMenu URL can be accessed by clicking on "Cast Display" which will open up a new window and display the URL in the navigation bar that you need to type into the Chromecast's Browser.

Step 3: Save BrewMenu URL as Bookmark

To prevent re-entry of the BrewMenu URL, you can save this URL as a Bookmark to easily access is when you turn your TV back on. 

Note:  Any update you make to that TV display on BrewMenu will automatically update with out the need for a refresh on your Chromecast Browser.  

Click on the "Back" Button while your BrewMenu is displaying, this will bring up a Menu of options.  Locate the "Star" which is the 6th icon from the left and then select by clicking the center of the Circle button on the Chromecast Remote.  

It will display a success message if you correctly created the Bookmark.