What are these tags and what do they do?

The Performance Platform™ uses special electronic tags that can modify your sensors. This article will explain what each tag does and, importantly, when you should use each tag.

Line Tag

  • A function of this tag is identification. The line tag is a physical identifier that allows you to make sure that your physical line matches the digital tap line appearing on your Performance Platform™ software. 




NOTE: Everything is working perfectly, for example, when sensor 2, has line tag 2 on it, and the keg on sensor 2 and line tag 2 match what is on tap 2 on the On Tap screen in the Performance Platform™ software. See below with Crossroads Raspberry + Rose Hips Kombucha on Sensor 2 marked appropriately with line tag 2: 

Indentification tagScreenshot 2024-07-16 at 2.19.55 PM-1


  • Another function of a line tag is electronic re-pairing. The line tag can give a sensor a command to repair to your Performance Platform™ software. You will only need to use this function if you have received a message that a sensor is offline. You will first attempt to re-pair the offline sensor. Please refer here for help on how to fix an offline sensor.

Deep Sleep Tag

  • This tag turns a sensor off and restores it to factory settings. You will only need to use this tag if you have received a message that a sensor is offline and you have already tried to re-pair the off-line sensor with a line tag. Please refer here for help on how to fix an offline sensor.




Channel Tag


  • In a setup with multiple gateways, this tag helps connect a sensor to its appropriate gateway channel. You will never use this tag on your own. You will only use this tag as directly communicated by BrewLogix Support.
  • A channel tag is visually different than a line tag as noted by the "CH" marking. 



Update Tag (coming soon!)