How to use the OnTap page:

The OnTap page is where you will find in-depth data about all of your kegs on tap.

How to Navigate to the OnTap page:

Click the On Tap button to access OnTap.

Understanding the OnTap page:

The OnTap page contains (1) the Currently On Tap kegs; (2) Quick View Data Charts ; (3) Sort Filter; and (4) Search Bar.    

On Tap screen 

The On Tap screen shows you a graphic of all of your kegs that are on tap. You will see a visual indicator of the kegs you have on tap: this is called a Tap Card. To learn more about a Tap Card, click here.

Search Taps

You can search for any keg on tap in the search box to quickly find a keg (marked in a box above), and you can organize your kegs shown on this screen by filters (outlined with a red box above).

Sort & Filter

Clicking any sort/filter button will switch views between ordering from highest to lowest and vice versa. The filters are explained below:  

  • The Tap Number sort will organize by tap number.
  • Days On Tap will sort by how long a keg has been on tap Oldest - Newest or Newest - Oldest
  • Depletion Rate will sort by your fastest - slowest or slowest - fastest
  • Fill Level sort will organize by percentage of product left in a keg.
  • Product will organize by alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
  • Projected Kick sort will organize by projected kick dates. 

TIP: Use the Kick Date filter when you are ordering new kegs to see what needs replacing!


Quick View Data Charts

Depletion Pace will show you how many kegs are at certain paces

Kick Date Range will show you how many kegs are with in certain date ranges of being kicked

Percentages Left will show you how many kegs are at certain a % range remaining in them

Days On Tap will show you how many kegs have been on tap for a certain date range