How to use the Dashboard

The Dashboard is the home page for the PerformancePlatform™. Here, you can navigate the many PerformancePlatform™ features, take Quick Actions, see metrics, and access the Performance Platform™ Help Center.

What is the Dashboard? 

The Dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into the Performance Platform™. Its purpose is to present, at a glance, an overview of your draft program. 

Think of the Dashboard as your virtual assistant. Like an excellent assistant, the Dashboard will answer your questions before you ask them and make tasks easy. 

Using the Dashboard (four sections):

The Dashboard is broken into four sections: (1) Welcome Screen; (2) Performance Platform™ Menu; (3) Quick Actions; and (4) Draft Program Metrics, see below: 

Dashboard Pic(1)

(1) Welcome Screen

This screen will highlight two items: (1) the amount of taps that do not have an on deck assignment (to learn about creating on deck assignments, click here) and (2) the amount of kegs that are expected to kick on that day. A message will only appear if there is at least one keg that applies. 

Also in this screen is a link to the Help Center. The Help Center is the manual for the Performance Platform™. The page you are reading now is a part of that manual.

(2) Performance Platform™ Menu

On the left side of your window, you will see a list of the features the Performance Platform™ offers as well as settings. Clicking on a feature will take you to that feature's page. Below is a quick description of each of these features:

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If you ever navigate from the Dashboard, this button will bring you back.

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The Alerts page displays current and past alerts triggered by issues detected in your draft program. The number highlighted in blue is the number of alerts. Click here for more information. 

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BrewKnowledge displays style, brewery, ABV, volume of product remaining, date tapped, a description, and flavor notes for each of your kegs entered into Inventory. Click here for more information. 

NOTE: The next three features are key to running your business. As such, they are categorized in the menu under "Operations". If you don't see "On Tap", "On Deck", and "Inventory" in the menu, click the down arrow next to operations to reveal them; see below.   

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On Tap shows you data about all of your kegs that are on a sensor. Click here for more information.

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On Deck is how you assign your keg inventory to a sensor. Click here for more information.

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The inventory page provides you with data for all of the kegs that you have entered into the Performance Platform software. Keep your software up to date is crucial. To learn more about the inventory and entering kegs into the Performance Platform software, click here. 

NOTE: The next five features analyze the kegs entered into the Performance Platform™. They are categorized in the menu under "Analytics"; see below. If you don't wee Throughput, Levels Analysis, Depletion Analysis, Kick Date Analysis, and History in the menu, click the down arrow to reveal them; see below. 

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All of the Analytics pages allow you to focus on that particular type of analysis:

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Throughput means ounces depleted. This page will let you see the throughput of your kegs. Click here to learn more.   

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The Levels Analysis page highlights the relative amount of product left in a keg. You can also see amount of money left in kegs as well as the amount of ounces left on tap. Click here to learn more. 

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Depletion is the measure of the speed your kegs use. You can see whats moving fast, on pace, and slow. Click here to learn more.  

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The Performance Platform has an algorithm that calculates when your keg is expected to kick based on use. The Kick Date Analysis tap shows you if you have kegs kicking soon or a week later. Click here to learn more. 

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History tracks all of the brews and breweries that are entered into the Performance Platform. You can also see various trends such as unique styles of brews brought into your draft program. Click here to learn more.  

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Settings is where you can find and edit information about your brewery. Clicking the down arrow will un-nest all of the settings options. You can edit your brewery's physical location, update your work week and hours, create your draft program, and see your current selection for the Battery Replacement Program. Click here to learn more. 

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[Need More]

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What's New displays messages from the Brewlogix team. Be sure to check What's New from time to time to see announcements! 

(3) Quick Actions

The Quick Actions panel provides shortcuts to the Performance Platform's™ most important actions. The Quick actions are listed below:

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Resolve Unknown Kegs will take you to the Inventory page where you will be able to see all of your "unknown" kegs and where you will be able to resolve an unknown keg. To learn about unknown kegs and how to resolve them, click here

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This button will quickly take you to the "Receive Keg" feature. This is a helpful shortcut to use any time your bar or restaurant receives a keg shipment. To learn about Receive Keg, click here

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View on Tap will take you to the On Tap page. This page provides information about all of your kegs on sensors. To learn about the On Tap page, click here

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View On Deck will take you to the On Deck page. The On Deck Plan is a forecast for your draft program and is a powerful automation tool. To learn about the On Deck page, click here

(4) Draft Program Metrics

As you scroll down the dashboard, you will see different tables, charts, and figures: these are draft program metrics. They are listed below:  

-On Deck Spots

This subsection will show you how deep you have planned your On Deck Plan. "Deep" refers to the amount of kegs planned to go on tap after the current tap kicks. 0 means you have not designated in the Performance Platform™ what keg is coming on tap after the current tap kicks; 1 means you have planned 1 keg ahead; and 2 means you have planned two kegs ahead. To learn about creating an On Deck Plan, click here.  

TIP: If you are using the Performance Platform™ perfectly, all of your tap lines should be planned as deep as your received inventory allows. 

-Inventory Summary

This subsection shows how many kegs are on tap, how many kegs are on deck (entered into BrewOnDeck), and how many kegs are "on hand". A keg on hand is a keg that has been entered into BrewInventory but not yet entered into BrewOnDeck. 

TIP: You should do your best to keep as few kegs on hand as possible. If you are able to, add any kegs on hand to your On Deck Plan as soon as possible! Your software will work better.  

-Kegs Kicking Soon

This subsection highlights kegs that are kicking "soon". Soon is defined in business days and will highlight kegs that are kicking in the next 0- 2 business days. The number next to this subsection (the grey circled 14 below) shows the number of kegs that are kicking soon, if any.  

NOTE: For example, if your business is open Monday to Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday and you check the Performance Platform™ on Saturday, "soon" will start on the first business day (here, the following Monday) and extend until 2 business days from the first business day (here, the following Wednesday). Alternatively, if you check on Tuesday, "soon" will start Tuesday and extend until Thursday. 

-Low Keg Levels

This subsection organizes your kegs on tap by levels. A low level keg is defined in this section by a keg with a level under 30%. The number next to this subsection (the grey circled 14 below) shows the number of kegs on tap that are low, if any.

NOTE: A keg under 30% is only defined as low in this subsection of the dashboard.

-Keg Freshness

This subsection organizes your kegs from least to most fresh. Freshness is measured in days a keg is on tap. At the top of this list, and least fresh, are kegs that have been on tap the longest. 

-Total Throughput

The total throughput line graph displays the aggregate daily throughput for all of your kegs on tap for the last seven days- shown by a purple line (see below). Also represented is the prior seven day period- shown by a gray dashed line.  

This graph lets you see the throughput for any day of the current work week and compare it to the work week before, allowing you to track business trends. If you hover your mouse over a point in the graph, you can see the aggregate throughput for that day compared to the same day in the prior period.

-Top Performing Kegs

This bar graph shows you individual kegs with the highest throughput for the previous business day. If you hover your mouse over any bar in the bar graph, you can see the exact throughput for that keg for the previous business day. This chart lets you easily track high performers so you can make sure you don't run out of your clients' favorite. 

-Styles On Tap

This section shows a bar chart organized by style of tapped kegs. Here you can quickly see the style makeup of your kegs on tap. You will see all the style of your kegs reflected here; however, if any of your kegs are unverified, it will not appear in this bar chart. 

NOTE: Brewlogix verifies all the products on the Performance Platform™. However, the craft industry is constantly growing so sometimes you may find a new product that we have not yet verified. Don't worry- every time an unverified product is populated Brewlogix gets a notice and we will quickly verify the product so you can keep up with the quickly evolving craft market!